Author: kargoist

We Won TheHearts Of Our Customers With 1 Million ShipmentsOn Time!
We think that being a successfulcargo service requiresfastandsafedelivery.The service we want to offer to our customers as Kargoist is based on these two principles andwe always stick by the promises we made on this road that we started off by saying “faster and safer”. We find solutions to the problem of cargo transportation during busy […]

We Are Proud ToOpen Our 15th Branch In Anatolia
We take firm steps forward in line with our goals by growing and developing day by day on this journey we set out by making discipline, smiling and care our basic principles in corporate cargo transportation.With our Kargoist branches, we aim to provide service in Turkey’s provinces with high-volume e-commerce by the end of 2021, […]

Our Fleet Is Growing Day By Day
OurKargoistfamilycontinuestogrow! Inlinewithourgoals of establishing a fasterdelivery network in provinces of Turkeywithhigh-volume e-commerce rate andincreasingcustomerprofitabilitybyreducingreturn rate, wereachouttomorecustomerseveryotherdaybyopeningnewbranchesalloverthecountry. We develop by following the latest developments and innovations in our sector, and we continue to grow our team in order to provide a faster and safer cargo service to our customers with our increasing branches. In order to […]

Here’s What Our Customers Think About Kargoist;
We take firm steps on this journey we set off by saying “faster and safer”, aiming to make our customers satisfied and happy with our service. Our biggest source of motivation is the good feedback we receive from our customers in the face of this effort we have been maintaining for years. We wanted to […]

Kargoist in Europe!
We opened a branch in Europe! As Kargoist, we are in pursuit of faster and safer cargo delivery.We continue to work and strive for this purpose and to do our job with great passion.As Kargoist, we started to offer solutions to our customers’ cargo problems in Sweden which is our first branch in Europe. While […]

New Technologies at Kargoist
Today, inefficient businesses are losing ground. The logistics sector is also one of the most responsible sectors in terms of efficiency. As a matter of fact, any disruption that will occur during the transportation of a product will be reflected as a bad grade to both the logistics company and the selling business. In addition, […]

A New Business Model in the Age of Fast Logistics: Being a Courier with Your Own Vehicle
In the past, large vehicles would come to mind when it comes to delivery, but nowadays, anyone with a passenger vehicle can deliver. Especially in today’s conditions, where the e-commerce sector grows without slowing down, the logistics sector is also looking for efficient ways to catch up with the demand intensity. In this sense, cargo […]

Sustainable Logistics
Sustainability is meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Experienced companies that embrace their work, on the other hand, take care to reach the best possible result by considering the positive and negative effects. In this regard, from a sustainability perspective, a vehicle like a scooter, […]